Conheça nossos pessoal: Hefin Evans, Chefe de Engenharia
My name is Hefin Evans .
I’m Head of Engineering at GroundProbe. Born in Wales, joined GroundProbe in 2021. Previously, I worked as an Engineering Manager at Elexon Mining, a local manufacturer of mining sensors. I started my career in 2010 as an Electronics Consultant at Sagentia, a technology services company based in Cambridge, UK, where I made everything from microwaves and household irons to DNA sequencing machines and surgical robots.
What makes your job unique at GroundProbe?
As the manager of a large team of engineers, the best part of working at GroundProbe is the culture. Company values are firmly adhered to, creating a safe environment in which to work. This psychological safety helps inspire my team to contribute without fear of judgment, which is how we encourage some of our best ideas from the quietest employees.
LR: Prastowo Harymurty , Hefin Evans , Paul Bergen